Our Project Types

Play In A Day®

Konflux Theatre in Education pioneered the Play in a Day® concept. We have been touring across the UK with Play in a Day® since 1999! Play in a Day® enables pupils to work with a professional Director in the creation of a short piece of theatre. It is also regularly used by secondary school cluster groups as a transition activity.

Based on National Curriculum topics, these 15 minute plays are produced in an ensemble style using inventive theatre techniques such as choral speech, stylised movement and mime.

The plays are both accessible and fun and enable children of all abilities to develop their skills and confidence with an experienced theatre practitioner.

How the Day Works

After registration the group (generally up to a maximum of 35 children) spends 15-20 minutes learning vocal and movement exercises designed to build their confidence and encourage them to work together. Our technique is specifically designed to enable children who may have reading difficulties to actively participate in the play. The children do not receive copies of the script as lines are given orally by the director. The day culminates in a performance of approximately 15 minutes to the rest of the school allowing the children to share their work. Lots of our schools choose to invite parents too.

What the Children Learn

  • Exploring how young people can use their voice, movement and expression in role play and drama.
  • Expressing and communicating ideas, thoughts and feelings through role play and drama.
  • Responding to performance, and presenting drama and stories to others
  • Adapt and sustain different roles, experimenting with movement, expression and voice
  • Individual confidence and public speaking
  • Teamwork and awareness of others
  • Broaden an understanding of the world by learning about human acitivities and achievements in the past and present
  • Understanding of history / topical issues

Play In A Week

Play in a Week is a popular extension to our Play in a Day® and offers groups the opportunity to devise, rehearse and perform a play under the guidance of one of Writer / Directors.

Throughout the week the group create the drama; develop characters, discuss and devise scenes to build their play and rehearse the short play for performance on the final afternoon. This process is designed to develop writing, drama and improvisation skills and teamwork.

Play in a Week is a popular choice for groups and schools who have a theme week, or a special celebration, as the play can be on any topic you choose.

Very recently Play in a Week has been the focus point for many school transition and Summer School projects. Working with a number of pupils from each feeder primary school, Play in a Week is a fantastic opportunity for children to come together to meet each other, share ideas and then work together to create their very own play. The final play often takes place in the secondary school where the children will start their new schooling life together.

We've worked with groups on themes as diverse as Transition, Careers, Literacy & Numeracy, Racism, Mining Communities and Bullying, to name but a few!

Requirements for Play in a Week:

  • Suitable space for the workshops, rehearsal and performance
  • Groups need to be available for the entire process

Play in a Week is a 2- 5 day project for Key Stage 2, 3 or 4 groups.

Creative Learning

Konflux Theatre's Creative Learning Programme is a series of one and two hour drama workshops offering creative provision across the primary key stages.

Our story-based workshop at Early Years and Key Stage 1 provides a creative stimulus for younger children, enabling them to stretch their imaginations and physically engage with story making.

At Years 3 -6, we offer skills based workshops to develop team-building, Speaking and Listening and personal development and we apply the craft of theatre in a traditional Japanese tale for older Key Stage 2 groups.

Any combination of the workshops can be chosen for a full day's visit to your school.


For more information about any of our available projects, please contact Lauren on 01937 833 006.